अंतर्दृष्टि - उन्नत - यूनिट 3 - 3ए
यहां आपको इनसाइट एडवांस्ड कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 3 - 3ए की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "एथोस", "फ्रिटर अवे", "स्ट्रैप्ड", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
the act of searching or gathering food, resources, or provisions in the natural environment, typically done by animals
खाद्य संग्रहण
capable of providing everything that one needs, particularly food, without any help from others
a piece of furniture or equipment that is sold in parts and is delivered to the buyer in a box so that they can put it together and then use it
फ्लैट-पैक फर्नीचर
a production process where a product is put together in a step-by-step manner by different people or machines, each responsible for a specific task
संयोजन लाईन
the fundamental values and beliefs that influence and guide the behavior and attitudes of a person, group, or organization
to slowly and carelessly waste or use up something, such as time, money, resources, or opportunities
बर्बाद करना
to waste or misuse something valuable, such as money, time, or opportunities
बर्बाद करना
the arrangement with an institute or agency according to which they guarantee to make up for the damages in the event of an accident or loss
a permanent instruction or procedure that remains in effect until it is altered or terminated
स्थायी आदेश
the amount of money paid to an insurance company in exchange for coverage or protection against specified risks or potential losses
referring to interactions or transactions without physical contact, using wireless communication or non-touch means
a form of insurance that offers financial protection to individuals or businesses against legal obligations and expenses resulting from injuries, damages, or losses caused to others
जवाबदेही बीमा
a bank account that allows frequent deposits and withdrawals, typically using checks, with no prior notice required
चालू खाता
an entry indicating an increase in assets or an expense, and a decrease in debts or income
a set of ideas or a plan of action that has been chosen officially by a group of people, an organization, a political party, etc.
a person or entity that is not directly involved in a particular transaction or agreement, but may have legal rights or obligations related to it
तीसरी पार्टी
having a limited amount of something, especially of money
पैसों की कमी पर
the income level below which a person is considered to be living in poverty or experiencing financial hardship
गरीबी रेखा