कपड़े और फैशन - बेबीवियर
यहां आप अंग्रेजी में विभिन्न प्रकार के बेबीवियर के नाम सीखेंगे, जैसे "बिब", "डायपर", और "ओनेसी"।
समीक्षा करें
a single garment that combines a top and bottom into a one-piece outfit, typically worn for comfort or as sleepwear
a type of underwear-like garment for toddlers transitioning from diapers to regular underwear, providing comfort and absorbency for toileting training
प्रशिक्षण पैंट
a piece of cloth or plastic fastened at the neck of a child to protect its clothes when eating or drinking
a soft, sock-like shoe that is designed to cover and protect the foot, typically worn by infants
a type of absorbent undergarment worn by infants or individuals who are incontinent
a type of one-piece garment that combines a top and shorts or pants, typically worn by infants
रॉम्पर सूट
a one-piece garment for infants and babies, usually made of soft fabric, worn for sleep or comfort
बच्चा पहनने वाला कपड़ा
a type of clothing, typically worn by children, that features a sailor collar and other nautical-inspired details
नाविक का कपड़ा
a one-piece garment for infants and babies, worn for sleep, made of soft fabric for warmth and comfort
a type of cloth used to wrap infants tightly to restrict movement and provide a sense of security
कंबल कपड़े
a one-piece sleepwear for babies and young children that covers the entire body and includes attached feet
बिछाने की नींद
a one-piece garment, usually made of fleece or other warm fabric, that covers the feet and the body, often worn as sleepwear or for lounging
एक टुकड़ा वस्त्र
a footwear designed for infants or toddlers typically made of soft materials such as cloth, leather or plastic
बच्चों के जूते
a collection of clothing, bedding, and accessories for a newborn baby
नवजात शिशु के लिए कपड़ों का सेट