ACT अंग्रेजी और विश्व ज्ञान - रोज़मर्रा की वस्तुएँ
यहां आप रोजमर्रा की वस्तुओं से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "कीपसेक", "डोइली", "क्लैंप", आदि जो आपको अपने कार्यों में महारत हासिल करने में मदद करेंगे।
समीक्षा करें
any object that can be used to store something in, such as a bottle, box, etc.

कंटेनर, डिब्बा

a kitchen tool with a broad and flat part on one end, used for turning and lifting food


a hard, white, translucent ceramic material that is known for its strength, durability, and translucency


a mop or cleaning tool with a long handle and absorbent material on the end, used for cleaning floors

झाड़ू, मोप

an item of clothing that is worn on the body, including various types of clothing such as shirts, pants, dresses, etc.

वस्त्र, परिधान

a pliable material used for filling gaps and cracks in surfaces, providing a smooth and durable finish

पुट्टी, भरा देने वाला

a type of bedding made of three layers, a top layer, a middle layer of batting or filling, and a bottom layer, that are stitched or tied together to form a pattern or design

कंबल, कव बुंद

a decorative light fixture that hangs from the ceiling and usually has multiple branches or arms for holding lights

झूमर, आलिंगन

a small piece or part that has broken off from a larger whole, often referring to objects or materials

टुकड़ा, भाण्ड

a piece of fabric worn over the head and often the face by women to conceal or protect their face

घूंघट, वैल

a metal rack with parallel bars arranged in a pattern, used for grilling or baking food evenly

ग्रिड, रेशा

a tool or device used for a specific task or purpose, often essential in daily activities

उपकरण, यंत्र

a cloth or covering used to cover someone's eyes, typically secured with ties or straps

आंखों की पट्टी, नजरबंद

a small, usually rectangular container used to carry personal items such as money, credit cards, and identification cards

पर्स, बटुआ

a tube with a long hollow needle at the end that is used to inject or withdraw fluids

सीरिंज, इंजेक्शन

a framework made of metal or wood bars for supporting climbing plants or fruit trees

ग्रिड, ट्रेलिस

a small decorative statue or sculpture typically made from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, wood, or resin

आकृति, मूर्ति

a piece of material, typically cotton or another fibrous substance, used to draw liquid, such as wax or oil, up into a flame for burning or illumination

बत्ती, मसाला

a small tool with a pointy spiral metal for pulling out corks from bottles

कोर्कस्क्रू, बोतल ओपनर

the flat and circular part of a record player on which the record is placed in order to be played

टर्नटेबल, गोल प्लेट

a small book with a paper cover giving information about a particular subject

ब्रॉशर, पैम्फलेट

a device that cleans air, water, or other substances by removing pollutants, making them safer or more pleasant to use

शुद्धिकर्ता, वायु शुद्धिकरण उपकरण

a written or printed document that shows the payment for a set of goods or services has been made

रसीद, प्रमाण

the scattered pieces of waste, remains, or broken objects, often left after destruction or an accident

कचरा, मलबा

a cylindrical metal container that is used for storing a roll of film

कैनीस्टर, सिलेंडर

a wheel with a track where a rope or chain runs, used to lift heavy objects easily


a small, rounded or cylindrical piece of material, often used as fuel, food, or ammunition

पेलट, गोलिका

a container that stores water needed for flushing a toilet, often stored in the roof

जलाशय, सरणी

a board that is consisted of long pieces of a wood, reed, etc. tied together, which people use to sail or float on water

राफ्ट, तैरने की फली

a device that is used to hold or compress two or more things together firmly

क्लैंप, जोड़नेवाला

a structure made of strips of wood, metal, or other rigid material arranged in a criss-crossed, grid-like pattern

लट्टिस, जाल

a device used for controlled and measured release of medications, fluids, or other substances in healthcare settings

डिस्पेंसर, आपूर्ति उपकरण

a tool for removing dirt, paint, or other unwanted matter from a surface by scraping

स्क्रेपर, खुरचने वाला

fabric that is hung in beautiful, flowing folds, often used to cover windows or decorate rooms

ड्रेपरी, परदा

a decorative element in the shape of a stylized flower, often used as an ornament or embellishment in architecture and design

रोजेट, फूल कान्ति

a supportive arrangement of straps or bands worn on the body to distribute weight or pressure evenly, provide stability for a body part or function, or secure an object in place

हॉर्नेस, सुरक्षा पट्टा

a small circular piece of cloth or paper with many small holes that is put on a plate under a cake

डोइली, चटाई

a piece of equipment such as a bath that is permanently affixed inside a house or building and people cannot take it out when they move out

निश्चित उपकरण, स्थायी संयोजन

a dry, easily combustible material such as small twigs or dry leaves used to ignite a fire

चिंगारी, आग लगाने की सामग्री

something that we usually buy and bring back for other people from a place that we have visited on vacation

स्मृति चिह्न, यादगार

an object kept or given to someone as a reminder of a person, place, or event, often holding sentimental value

स्मृति, यादगार

a cherished object, typically passed down through generations within a family, holding significant sentimental or historical value

विरासत, पारिवारिक धरोहर

a decorative covering for a bed that is designed to drape over the entire bed, including the pillows, and often reaches the floor

बिस्तर पर डालने वाली चादर, कंबल

a cozy and typically colorful knitted or crocheted blanket or throw, often handmade

कम्बल, धान्य कंबल