Könyv: Four Corners 1 - 4. egység A. lecke
Itt megtalálja a Four Corners 1 tankönyv 4. rész A leckéjének szókészletét, például „napi”, „ride”, „metró” stb.
to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving

vezetni, irányítani

a road vehicle that has four wheels, an engine, and a small number of seats for people

autó, jármű

to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements

lovagolni, biciklizni

a vehicle with two wheels that we ride by pushing its pedals with our feet

kerékpár, bicaj

a vehicle that has two wheels and moves when we push its pedals with our feet

kerékpár, bicikli

to use a particular route or means of transport in order to go somewhere

venni, használni

a vehicle, typically with a driver for hire, used to transport passengers to their destinations in exchange for an amount of money


a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive

vonat, kocsi

to move forward at a regular speed by placing our feet in front of each other one by one

járni, sétálni