책 Four Corners 1 - 단원 4 레슨 A
여기에서는 "daily", "ride", "subway" 등과 같은 Four Corners 1 코스북의 Unit 4 Lesson A에 나오는 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving
운전하다, 조종하다
a road vehicle that has four wheels, an engine, and a small number of seats for people
차, 자동차
to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements
타다, 자전거를 타다
a vehicle, typically with a driver for hire, used to transport passengers to their destinations in exchange for an amount of money
a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive
기차, 역차
to move forward at a regular speed by placing our feet in front of each other one by one
걷다, 걸어가다
to do certain physical or mental activities in order to achieve a result or as a part of our job
일하다, 작업하다