Könyv: Face2face - Alapszint - 10-10A egység
Itt megtalálja a Face2Face Elementary tankönyv 10-10A részeinek szókincsét, mint például a „mozgólépcső”, „feszített”, „hordás” stb.
feeling so anxious that makes one unable to relax
stresszes, ideges
to pass time in a particular manner or in a certain place
eltölteni, kidobni
the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock
idő, tartam
something that we use to buy and sell goods and services, can be in the form of coins or paper bills
pénz, valuta
to hold someone or something and take them from one place to another
cipel, szállít
to have the ability to support, handle, or take on the pressure or responsibility of something
visel, felvállal
something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping
táska, zsák
to clean someone or something with water, often with a type of soap
mosni, tisztítani
a space in a wall or vehicle that is made of glass and we use to look outside or get some fresh air
ablak, ablakas
a road vehicle that has four wheels, an engine, and a small number of seats for people
autó, jármű
a box-like device that goes up and down and is used to get to the different floors of a building
lift, emelő
a staircase that moves and takes people up or down different levels easily, often found in large buildings like airports, department stores, etc.
mozgólépcső, escalator
(dummy verb) to perform an action that is specified by a noun
birtokol, csinálni
the action of washing our body in a bathtub by putting it into water
a piece of equipment that flows water all over your body from above
regular work done in a house, especially cleaning, washing, etc.
háztartási munka, házi munka
a mental or physical activity that helps keep our mind and body healthy
gyakorlat, aktivitás
a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive
vonat, kocsi
each of the twelve named divisions of the year, like January, February, etc.
a period of time that is made up of twelve months, particularly one that starts on January first and ends on December thirty-first
év, esztendő
in a way that happens or is done regularly and consistently every week without exception
minden héten, heti rendszerességgel
once during each month, in a regular pattern
minden hónapban, havonta
used to refer to something that happens or recurs once each year without exception
minden évben, évente
healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet
fit, egészséges