
Könyv: Four Corners 4 - 11. egység A. lecke

Itt megtalálja a Four Corners 4 tankönyv 11. rész A leckéjének szókészletét, például "formátum", "lektorálás", "toborzó" stb.









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Four Corners 4

having actual existence and not imaginary


a person we do a particular activity with, such as playing a game

partner, játszótárs

partner, játszótárs

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to accept

to say yes to what is asked of you or offered to you

elfogadni, bevenni

elfogadni, bevenni

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a statement in which one expresses readiness or willingness to do something for someone or give something to them

ajánlat, javaslat

ajánlat, javaslat

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the work that we do regularly to earn money

munka, állás

munka, állás

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to apply

to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.

pályázni, igényelni

pályázni, igényelni

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to format

to arrange something, such as text or data, in a specific structure or layout

formázni, elrendezni

formázni, elrendezni

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a short written note of our education, skills, and job experiences that we send when trying to get a job

önéletrajz, CV

önéletrajz, CV

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a formal meeting during which a journalist asks a famous person different questions about specific subjects for publication

interjú, beszélgetés

interjú, beszélgetés

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to print

to create a number of copies of a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.

nyomtatni, kiadni

nyomtatni, kiadni

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a digital message that is sent from one person to another person or group of people using a system called email

e-mail, elektronikus levél

e-mail, elektronikus levél

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to proofread

to read and correct the mistakes of a written or printed text

korrektúrázni, ellenőrizni

korrektúrázni, ellenőrizni

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a letter written by a former employer about a former employee who has applied for a new job, giving information about them

ajánlás, ajánlólevél

ajánlás, ajánlólevél

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a careful and systematic study of a subject to discover new facts or information about it

kutatás, tanulmány

kutatás, tanulmány

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to send

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

elküldeni, küldeni

elküldeni, küldeni

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a short piece of writing that helps us remember something

jegyzet, note

jegyzet, note

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to translate

to change words into another language

fordítani, átdolgozni

fordítani, átdolgozni

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a written or printed message that is sent to someone or an organization, company, etc.

levél, írás

levél, írás

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a helpful suggestion or a piece of advice

tipp, javaslat

tipp, javaslat

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a person or company who finds and attracts suitable candidates for available jobs on behalf of an employer

toborzó, alkalmazott

toborzó, alkalmazott

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to trust

to believe that someone is sincere, reliable, or competent

bízni, megbízni

bízni, megbízni

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bringing enjoyment and happiness

kellemes, örömteli

kellemes, örömteli

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to invest

to devote a lot of effort, time, etc. to something from which one expects to achieve a good result

befektetni, szentelni

befektetni, szentelni

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the grade, level, or standard of something's excellence measured against other things

minőség, szint

minőség, szint

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to get

to force or convince someone to do something

kényszeríteni, meggyőzni

kényszeríteni, meggyőzni

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to have

to cause a specific effect on a person or thing

birtokolni, okozni

birtokolni, okozni

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the fact of reaching what one tried for or desired

siker, győzelem

siker, győzelem

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to prepare

to get ready for an event, activity, or situation, either mentally or physically

előkészíteni, felkészülni

előkészíteni, felkészülni

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