Szókincs az IELTS-hez (Alap) - A személyiség leírása
Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót a személyiség leírására vonatkozóan, mint például a "creepy", "consistent", "cooperative" stb., amelyek szükségesek az IELTS vizsgához.
(of a person) able to do things and make decisions independently
autonóm, független
strange or unnatural in a way that might cause uneasiness or slight fear
ijesztő, furcsa
not willing to spend money or use something; cheap or stingy
fukar, zord
ill-tempered and in a bad mood, tending to sulk
mérges, szomorkás
following the same course of action or behavior over time
konzisztens, állandó
(of a person) tending to follow the social norms, or to accept traditional views
hagyományos, konvencionális
(of a person) capable of performing tasks or completing work with the least amount of wasted time, effort, or resources
hatékony, takarékos
capable of adjusting easily to different situations, circumstances, or needs
rugalmas, alkalmazkodó
willing to work with others to reach a shared goal
kooperatív, együttműködő
believing that good things can happen or perfection can be achieved, while it is nearly impossible or impractical
idealisztikus, utópisztikus
showing respect to what other people say or do even when one disagrees with them
toleráns, elnéző
easily hurt, often due to weakness or lack of protection
sebezhető, védtelen
usually calm and not easily annoyed
kiegyensúlyozott, higgadt
(of a person) resistant to authority or control, often challenging established norms or rules
lázadó, engedetlen
not caring about other people's feelings
érzéketlen, udvariatlan
doing things or moving in a way that lacks control and care, usually causing accidents
ügyetlen, bénázó
accepting what happens or not opposing what other people do or say
passzív, passzív
not pleased or happy with something, because it is not as good as one expected
elégedetlen, mérges
showing a proud, unpleasant attitude toward others and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
öntelt, gőgös
having or showing intense excitement, eagerness, or passion for something
lelkes, szenvedélyes
showing care and understanding toward other people, especially when they are not feeling good
együtt érző, sensible
having or showing a negative view of the future and always waiting for something bad to happen
pesszimista, negatív
unwilling to change one's attitude or opinion despite good reasons to do so
makacs, kitartó
experiencing frequent changes in mood, often without apparent reason or explanation
hangulatember, változó hangulatú
feeling or showing gratitude or thankfulness towards someone or something
elismerő, köszönetteljes
highly skilled, proficient, or talented in a particular activity or field
ügyes, képzett
showing strong enthusiasm or fervor for something
intenzív, szenvedélyes
concerned with money and possessions in an excessive way
materialista, javakat kereső