
Könyv: Insight - Középhaladó - 1. egység - 1A

Itt találja az Insight Pre-Intermediate tankönyv 1. - 1A. részében található szókincset, például "egészség", "büszke", "rutin" stb.









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Insight - Pre-Intermediate

people that are related to each other by blood or marriage, normally made up of a father, mother, and their children



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free time

a period when no work or essential tasks need to be done, allowing for activities of personal choice

szabadidő, pihenőidő

szabadidő, pihenőidő

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someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family

barát, ismerős

barát, ismerős

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the feeling of being happy and well

boldogság, öröm

boldogság, öröm

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the general condition of a person's mind or body



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the fact of reaching what one tried for or desired

siker, győzelem

siker, győzelem

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having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them

érdeklődő, lelkes

érdeklődő, lelkes

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feeling satisfied with someone or one's possessions, achievements, etc.

büszke, önérzetes

büszke, önérzetes

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having the ability to learn or understand quickly

élénk, gyorsfelfogású

élénk, gyorsfelfogású

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feeling nervous or worried because of thinking something unpleasant might happen

szorongó, aggódó

szorongó, aggódó

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getting a bad and anxious feeling from a person or thing because we think something bad or dangerous will happen

félős, rettentő

félős, rettentő

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feeling embarrassed, guilty, or sorry about one's actions, characteristics, or circumstances

szégyenkező, zavarban lévő

szégyenkező, zavarban lévő

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fed up

feeling tired, annoyed, or frustrated with a situation or person

elege van, felháborodott

elege van, felháborodott

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feeling very happy, interested, and energetic

izgatott, lelkes

izgatott, lelkes

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the process that involves teaching and learning, particularly at a school, university, or college



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a set of actions or behaviors that someone does regularly or habitually, often in a particular order

rutinszerű, szokás

rutinszerű, szokás

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to go out

to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time

kimenni, elmenni valahová

kimenni, elmenni valahová

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to make

to prepare or cook something

elkészíteni, főzni

elkészíteni, főzni

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the first meal we have in the early hours of the day

reggeli, első étkezés

reggeli, első étkezés

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to have

to eat or drink something

enni, inni

enni, inni

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any liquid that we can drink

ital, üdítőital

ital, üdítőital

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to brush

to use a toothbrush to clean and remove plaque or food particles from the teeth and gums

fogat mosni, kefélni

fogat mosni, kefélni

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to get

to experience a specific condition, state, or action

kap, válni

kap, válni

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physically prepared with everything we might need for a particular task or situation

kész, felkészült

kész, felkészült

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to take

to use a particular route or means of transport in order to go somewhere

venni, használni

venni, használni

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a large vehicle that carries many passengers by road

busz, autóbusz

busz, autóbusz

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to comb

to use a tool with narrow, evenly spaced teeth to untangle and arrange hair

fésülni, fésűvel rendbe tenni

fésülni, fésűvel rendbe tenni

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the thin thread-like things that grow on our head

haj, szál

haj, szál

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to check

to discover information about something or someone by looking, asking, or investigating

ellenőrizni, vizsgálni

ellenőrizni, vizsgálni

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an electronic device used to talk to a person who is at a different location

telefon, mobiltelefon

telefon, mobiltelefon

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two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, etc. between them



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to get

to reach a specific place

elérni, megérkezni

elérni, megérkezni

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the place that we live in, usually with our family

otthon, ház

otthon, ház

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car key

a small handheld device used to unlock and start the engine of a car

autókulcs, jármű kulcs

autókulcs, jármű kulcs

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ID card

any official card that shows someone's name, birth date, photograph, etc., proving who they are

személyi igazolvány, azonosító kártya

személyi igazolvány, azonosító kártya

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bus ticket

a small piece of paper or card that proves payment for a journey on a bus

buszjegy, buszbiológiajegy

buszjegy, buszbiológiajegy

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shopping list

a list of items intended for purchase during a shopping trip to a store or market

bevásárlólista, vásárlási lista

bevásárlólista, vásárlási lista

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mobile phone

a cellular phone or cell phone; ‌a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

mobiltelefon, mobil

mobiltelefon, mobil

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computer game

a game designed to be played on a computer

számítógépes játék, videójáték

számítógépes játék, videójáték

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credit card

a plastic card, usually given to us by a bank, that we use to pay for goods and services

hitelkártya, bankkártya

hitelkártya, bankkártya

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parking ticket

a notice issued by authorities, typically a fine, given to a driver for violating parking regulations

shopping bag

a bag made of cloth, paper, or plastic with two handles, used for carrying what you buy

bevásárlás táska, vásárló táska

bevásárlás táska, vásárló táska

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key ring

a ring, usually made of metal or plastic, that people use to keep their keys together

kulcskarikás, kulcstartó

kulcskarikás, kulcstartó

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birthday program

a planned series of events or activities organized to celebrate someone's birthday, such as a special meal or gifts

születésnapi program, születésnapi rendezvény

születésnapi program, születésnapi rendezvény

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one of the things in our mouth that are hard and white and we use to chew and bite food with

fog, őrölt fog

fog, őrölt fog

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