Könyv: Insight - Középhaladó - Vocabulary Insight 4
Itt megtalálja az Insight Pre-Intermediate tankönyvben található Vocabulary Insight 4 szavait, például „átmegy”, „dobja”, „álljon ki” stb.
to move toward a location that the speaker considers to be close or relevant to them
jönni, megérkezni
to turn our eyes toward a person or thing that we want to see
nézni, figyelni
to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight
ülni, leülni
to make something move through the air by quickly moving your arm and hand
elvetni, dobni
to move in a circular direction around a fixed line or point
forog, körbefordul
to act in a way that is intended to impress others
hízeleg, felvág
to finish or rank in a specific position in a competition, typically indicated by a numerical ranking such as first, second, etc.
érkezni, helyezkedni
to move from a standing position to a sitting position
leülni, helyet foglalni
to get rid of what is not needed or wanted anymore
eldobni, megszabadulni
to decline an invitation, request, or offer
visszautasít, elutasít
to move with a lower speed or rate of movement
lassítani, csökkenteni a sebességet
to change from being a child into an adult little by little
felnőni, felnőtté válni
to try to find information in a dictionary, computer, etc.
keres, megnézni
to have a good, friendly, or smooth relationship with a person, group, or animal
jól kijönni, jó kapcsolatot kialakítani
to raise one's eyes from something one is looking at downwards
felfelé nézni, szemet feltekinteni
to thoroughly review, examine, or check something
áttekinteni, ellenőrizni
to fall forward and downward, usually due to losing balance or stumbling
előre esni, megbotlani
to remove a piece of clothing or accessory from your or another's body
levetni, eltávolítani
to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular
lógni, időt tölteni
to stick out or extend loosely in a drooping manner
lógatni, kibővíteni
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
gondoskodni valakiről, figyelni valakire
to focus one's attention on something or someone in order to observe or examine them
nézni, figyelni
to represent something in the form of an abbreviation or symbol
jelent, képvisel
to be the reason for a specific incident or result
okozni, hozni
to make something or someone return or be returned to a particular place or condition
visszahozni, visszaadni