
کتاب 'اینسایت' پیش‌متوسطه - بینش واژگان 4

در اینجا کلمات Vocabulary Insight 4 را در کتاب دوره Insight Pre-Intermediate پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "برو، پرتاب"، "ایستادن برای"، و غیره.






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شروع یادگیری
Insight - Pre-Intermediate
to bring

to come to a place with someone or something



to come

to move toward a location that the speaker considers to be close or relevant to them



to get

to receive or come to have something

دریافت کردن

دریافت کردن

to go

to travel or move from one location to another



to look

to turn our eyes toward a person or thing that we want to see

نگاه کردن

نگاه کردن

to sit

to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight



to stand

to be upright on one's feet



to throw

to make something move through the air by quickly moving your arm and hand

پرتاب کردن

پرتاب کردن

to turn

to move in a circular direction around a fixed line or point



to show

to make something visible or noticeable

نشان دادن

نشان دادن

to show off

to act in a way that is intended to impress others

خودنمایی کردن

خودنمایی کردن

to go down

to move from a higher location to a lower one

پایین رفتن

پایین رفتن

to come in

to finish or rank in a specific position in a competition, typically indicated by a numerical ranking such as first, second, etc.

(مسابقات) به رتبه یا مقام خاصی دست یافتن

(مسابقات) به رتبه یا مقام خاصی دست یافتن

to sit down

to move from a standing position to a sitting position



to throw away

to get rid of what is not needed or wanted anymore

دور انداختن

دور انداختن

to turn down

to decline an invitation, request, or offer

رد کردن

رد کردن

to slow down

to move with a lower speed or rate of movement

آهسته‌تر شدن

آهسته‌تر شدن

to grow up

to change from being a child into an adult little by little

بزرگ شدن

بزرگ شدن

to bring in

to move someone or something indoors

داخل آوردن

داخل آوردن

to look up

to try to find information in a dictionary, computer, etc.

جستجو کردن (در لغت‌نامه و غیره)

جستجو کردن (در لغت‌نامه و غیره)

to get on

to enter a bus, ship, airplane, etc.

سوار شدن (قطار، اتوبوس و غیره)

سوار شدن (قطار، اتوبوس و غیره)

to get on

to have a good, friendly, or smooth relationship with a person, group, or animal

رابطه دوستانه داشتن

رابطه دوستانه داشتن

to look up

to raise one's eyes from something one is looking at downwards

به بالا نگاه کردن

به بالا نگاه کردن

to go over

to thoroughly review, examine, or check something

کامل بازبینی کردن

کامل بازبینی کردن

to go over

to fall forward and downward, usually due to losing balance or stumbling

زمین خوردن

زمین خوردن

to take off

to remove a piece of clothing or accessory from your or another's body

درآوردن (لباس، کفش و غیره)

درآوردن (لباس، کفش و غیره)

to take off

to leave a surface and begin flying

به پرواز در آمدن

به پرواز در آمدن

to hang out

to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular

با دیگران بیرون رفتن

با دیگران بیرون رفتن

to hang out

to stick out or extend loosely in a drooping manner

آویزان و نمایان بودن

آویزان و نمایان بودن

to look after

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

مراقبت کردن

مراقبت کردن

to look at

to focus one's attention on something or someone in order to observe or examine them

با دقت به کسی یا چیزی نگاه کردن

با دقت به کسی یا چیزی نگاه کردن

to stand for

to represent something in the form of an abbreviation or symbol

مخفف چیزی بودن

مخفف چیزی بودن

to bring about

to be the reason for a specific incident or result

باعث چیزی شدن

باعث چیزی شدن

to bring back

to make something or someone return or be returned to a particular place or condition



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