a chaotic condition with too much noise because of a crowd's anger or excitement
pánik, kavarás
a picture that shows a wide view of a scene
panoráma, széles látókör
(of a person or system) enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of individual freedom
autoritárius, hatósági
the political condition of owning unlimited power as an individual ruler
autokrácia, despotizmus
a ruthless oppressor who has the absolute power of telling people what to do and not to do
autokrata, diktátor
much more than the desirable or required amount
túlzott, felesleges
to surpass a set standard or limit in scope or size
túllépni, felülmúlni
to get back something that has been lost, taken away, etc.
visszaszerezni, visszakapni
to bring to mind past memories or experiences
felidézni, emlékezni
to repay someone for their efforts, losses, services, etc.
kártéríteni, kárpótolni
to make something again or bring it back into existence
újraalkotni, újra létrehozni
the teamwork of two people, organizations, or things that results in a greater outcome than their solo work
a close and often long-term interaction between two different species living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both
szimbiózis, közös szimbiózis
a brief summary or overview of the plot, characters, and major events of a book, movie, or other narrative work
szinopszis, összefoglaló
the visible cartilaginous part of the external ear
fülkagyló, fülszaru
a set of characteristics, behaviors, or qualities commonly observed in a specific situation or group of individuals