Könyv: Total English - Haladó - 5. egység – 2. lecke
Itt találja a Total English Advanced tankönyv 5. fejezetének 2. leckéjének szókincsét, például „jótékonykodás”, „befektetés”, „felszámolás” stb.
used to refer to the action of rising from the depth of poverty to the highest of riches
an organization that helps those in need by giving them money, food, etc.

jótékonyság, jótékonysági szervezet

the cost of borrowing money, usually expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed

kamat, kamatláb

to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit

befektetni, elhelyezni

to give all or most of one's time, effort, or resources to a particular activity, cause, or person

szentel, odaajándékoz

to completely destroy something, particularly a problem or threat

kiírtani, megsemmisíteni

something that is voluntarily given to someone or an organization to help them, such as money, food, etc.

adomány, felajánlás

a financial aid provided by the government for people who are sick, unemployed, etc.

jóléti támogatás, szociális juttatás