Könyv: Interchange - Középhaladó - 10. egység – 2. rész
Itt találja az Interchange Pre-Intermediate tankönyv 10. fejezetének 2. részében található szókincset, például "csatol", "remélhetőleg", "jótékonysági" stb.
an exciting or unusual experience, often involving risk or physical activity

kaland, élmény

the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands


an organization that helps those in need by giving them money, food, etc.

jótékonyság, jótékonysági szervezet

something that is voluntarily given to someone or an organization to help them, such as money, food, etc.

adomány, felajánlás

to use your hands, arms, body, etc. in order to make something or someone move forward or away from you

tolni, lökni

a person who is in charge of a large organization or has an important position there

főnök, igazgató

used to express that a positive outcome or situation occurred by chance

szerencsére, boldogul

a sweet and refreshing beverage made with carbonated water and chocolate syrup or powder

csokoládés üdítő, csokoládé szóda

pieces of clothing worn by actors or performers for a role, or worn by someone to look like another person or thing

jelmez, ruha

a type of coffee that is served cold, often over ice, often mixed with milk, cream, or sugar to make it taste better

jeges kávé, hideg kávé

a sea creature with eight, long arms and a soft round body with no internal shell

polip, októpusz

a small, fast, and low car that has a powerful engine, usually seats two people, and often has a removable or foldable roof

sportkocsi, sportautó

the special set of clothes that all members of an organization or a group wear at work, or children wear at a particular school

egyenruha, szakmai egyenruha

the skill and knowledge we gain from doing, feeling, or seeing things

tapasztalat, ismeret

(of two or more things) having qualities in common that are not exactly the same

hasonló, analóg

a city's railway system that is below the ground, usually in big cities

metró, földalatti

someone who is known by a lot of people, especially in entertainment business

személyiség, híresség

a book that lists the most remarkable achievements and facts in the world, such as the biggest, smallest, fastest, and strongest records every year

Guinness könyv, Guinness rekord könyv