Βιβλίο Interchange - Προ-ενδιάμεσο - Ενότητα 10 - Μέρος 2
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 10 - Μέρος 2 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Interchange Pre-Intermediate, όπως "attach", "hopefully", "charity" κ.λπ.
the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands
something that is voluntarily given to someone or an organization to help them, such as money, food, etc.
to use your hands, arms, body, etc. in order to make something or someone move forward or away from you
a person who is in charge of a large organization or has an important position there
a sweet and refreshing beverage made with carbonated water and chocolate syrup or powder
pieces of clothing worn by actors or performers for a role, or worn by someone to look like another person or thing
a type of coffee that is served cold, often over ice, often mixed with milk, cream, or sugar to make it taste better
a sea creature with eight, long arms and a soft round body with no internal shell
a small, fast, and low car that has a powerful engine, usually seats two people, and often has a removable or foldable roof
the special set of clothes that all members of an organization or a group wear at work, or children wear at a particular school