
Sách Interchange - Trung cấp tiền - Bài 10 - Phần 2

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 10 - Phần 2 trong giáo trình Interchange Pre-Intermediate, chẳng hạn như "đính kèm", "hy vọng", "từ thiện", v.v.


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Interchange - Pre-intermediate
to dream

to experience something in our mind while we are asleep

nằm chiêm bao

nằm chiêm bao

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an exciting or unusual experience, often involving risk or physical activity

một trải nghiệm thú vị và đáng nhớ

một trải nghiệm thú vị và đáng nhớ

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[Danh từ]
to cross

to go across or to the other side of something

Đi qua

Đi qua

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belonging or relating to Ireland, its people, culture, and language

người Ireland

người Ireland

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[Tính từ]

the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands



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the part of a vehicle that uses a particular fuel to make the vehicle move

cơ giới

cơ giới

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[Danh từ]
to attach

to physically connect or fasten something to another thing

gắn cái gì đó

gắn cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

an organization that helps those in need by giving them money, food, etc.

bố thí

bố thí

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[Danh từ]

something that is voluntarily given to someone or an organization to help them, such as money, food, etc.

vật biếu

vật biếu

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[Danh từ]
to push

to use your hands, arms, body, etc. in order to make something or someone move forward or away from you

đẩy cái gì đó

đẩy cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

used for expressing that one hopes something will happen

với hy vọng

với hy vọng

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[Trạng từ]

attractive and good-looking

dễ thương

dễ thương

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[Tính từ]

a person who is in charge of a large organization or has an important position there

cai thợ

cai thợ

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[Danh từ]

as a replacement or equal in value, amount, etc.

thay vì

thay vì

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[Trạng từ]

used to express that a positive outcome or situation occurred by chance

may mắn thay

may mắn thay

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[Trạng từ]

an act or opinion that is wrong

điều sai

điều sai

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[Danh từ]
chocolate soda

a sweet and refreshing beverage made with carbonated water and chocolate syrup or powder

sô-cô-la sô-cô-la

sô-cô-la sô-cô-la

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[Danh từ]

pieces of clothing worn by actors or performers for a role, or worn by someone to look like another person or thing

cách ăn mặt

cách ăn mặt

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[Danh từ]
iced coffee

a type of coffee that is served cold, often over ice, often mixed with milk, cream, or sugar to make it taste better

cà phê đá

cà phê đá

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[Danh từ]

a large road vehicle used for carrying goods

xe cam nhông

xe cam nhông

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[Danh từ]

a sea creature with eight, long arms and a soft round body with no internal shell

bạch tuộc

bạch tuộc

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[Danh từ]
sports car

a small, fast, and low car that has a powerful engine, usually seats two people, and often has a removable or foldable roof

xe thể thao

xe thể thao

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[Danh từ]

a vehicle with two wheels, powered by an engine

xe mô tô

xe mô tô

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[Danh từ]

the special set of clothes that all members of an organization or a group wear at work, or children wear at a particular school

[Danh từ]

from a time in the past until a particular time, typically the present

từ lúc đó

từ lúc đó

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[Liên từ]
to finish

to make something end

hoàn thiện cái gì đó

hoàn thiện cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

each of the twelve named divisions of the year, like January, February, etc.



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[Danh từ]

unlike anything else and distinguished by individuality

độc nhất

độc nhất

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[Tính từ]

the skill and knowledge we gain from doing, feeling, or seeing things

có nhiều kinh nghiệm

có nhiều kinh nghiệm

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[Danh từ]

to a degree or extent that is sufficient or necessary



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[Trạng từ]
to spend

to use energy, effort, etc., particularly until no more remains



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[Động từ]

something that explains an action or event

lý do cho cái gì đó

lý do cho cái gì đó

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[Danh từ]

(of two or more things) having qualities in common that are not exactly the same

tương tự

tương tự

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[Tính từ]

any fungus with a short stem and a round top that we can eat



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a city's railway system that is below the ground, usually in big cities

đường hầm

đường hầm

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[Danh từ]

to a very great amount or degree

đau đớn

đau đớn

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[Trạng từ]
to cost

to require a particular amount of money

có một mức giá cố định

có một mức giá cố định

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to pay

to give someone money in exchange for goods or services

trả giá của cái gì đó

trả giá của cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

someone who is known by a lot of people, especially in entertainment business

danh nhân

danh nhân

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[Danh từ]
guinness book

a book that lists the most remarkable achievements and facts in the world, such as the biggest, smallest, fastest, and strongest records every year

sách guinness

sách guinness

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to invent

to make or design something that did not exist before

phát minh ra thứ gì đó

phát minh ra thứ gì đó

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a flat, shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from

chổ lõm xuống

chổ lõm xuống

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[Danh từ]
to realize

to have a sudden or complete understanding of a fact or situation

nhận ra điều gì đó

nhận ra điều gì đó

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