
Általános IELTS Tréning (6-7-es Sáv) - Evés és ivás

Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót az evéssel és ivással kapcsolatban, amelyek szükségesek a General Training IELTS vizsgához.









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Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (6-7)
to consume

to eat or drink something

fogyaszt, megeszik

fogyaszt, megeszik

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to devour

to eat something eagerly and in large quantities, often implying intense hunger or enjoyment

felfalni, felfaltani

felfalni, felfaltani

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to ingest

to take food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it

megkóstolni, felfogni

megkóstolni, felfogni

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to nibble

to eat small amounts of food often

falatozni, róbálni

falatozni, róbálni

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to munch

to chew steadily or vigorously, often making a crunching sound

rágni, ropogtatni

rágni, ropogtatni

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to savor

to fully appreciate and enjoy the flavor or aroma of a food or drink as much as possible, particularly by slowly consuming it

élvezni, kóstolni

élvezni, kóstolni

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to sample

to take a small portion or specimen of something for examination, testing, or as a representation of a larger whole

mintát venni, megkóstolni

mintát venni, megkóstolni

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to snack

to eat a small amount of food between meals, typically as a quick and informal meal

falatozni, snackelni

falatozni, snackelni

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to feast

to eat and drink abundantly, often as part of a celebration or special occasion

ünnepelni, bőségesen étkezni

ünnepelni, bőségesen étkezni

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to sup

to consume a drink or liquid food

szopogat, ízlelget

szopogat, ízlelget

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to slurp

to eat or drink noisily by inhaling a liquid or soft food, such as soup or noodles, often with a distinctive, impolite sound

naguás, szürcsöl

naguás, szürcsöl

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to nourish

to give someone or something food and other things which are needed in order to grow, live, and maintain health

táplálni, nevelni

táplálni, nevelni

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to indulge

to allow oneself to do or have something that one enjoys, particularly something that might be bad for one

kielégít, megenged magának

kielégít, megenged magának

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to gnaw

to chew on something persistently

rágni, aprítani

rágni, aprítani

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to gobble

to eat something quickly and greedily, often making loud and rapid swallowing sounds

falni, habzsolni

falni, habzsolni

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to grab a bite (to eat)

to quickly make a meal for oneself, often due to a time constraint

to quench

to satisfy one's thirst

oltani, kielégíteni

oltani, kielégíteni

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