
Általános IELTS Tréning (6-7-es Sáv) - Sportversenyek

Itt megtudhat néhány, a sportversenyekkel kapcsolatos angol szót, amelyek az általános képzési IELTS vizsgához szükségesek.









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Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (6-7)
the Paralympics

a series of international contests in which people with physical disabilities take part in

Paralimpia, Paralimpiai játékok

Paralimpia, Paralimpiai játékok

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the numerical position or order of teams and individuals based on their performance in a competition or over a period of time

ranglista, helyezés

ranglista, helyezés

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a person or team finishing in second place in a competition or event

második, döntős

második, döntős

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the use of drugs by an athlete or racehorse in a competition in order to improve their performance

dopping, drogfogyasztás

dopping, drogfogyasztás

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a person who watches sport competitions closely

néző, szurkoló

néző, szurkoló

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an individual, team, etc. who is regarded as weaker compared to others and has little chance of success as a result

esélytelen, hanyatló

esélytelen, hanyatló

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a series of sporting games in which teams or players compete against different rivals in different rounds until only one remains and that is the winner

torná, verseny

torná, verseny

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a preliminary event or competition determining which participants advance to the main event or competition

selejtező, kvalifikáló

selejtező, kvalifikáló

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an official who is in charge of a game and makes sure players obey the rules in sports such as tennis, baseball, and cricket

bíró, ítélő

bíró, ítélő

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a structure used in sports competitions consisting of three adjacent platforms of different levels, on which winners stand to receive their awards

pódium, emelvény

pódium, emelvény

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time out

a brief pause or interruption in an activity

szünet, pihenő

szünet, pihenő

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(in games and sports) a disadvantage that a team or player is given for violating a rule

büntetés, szankció

büntetés, szankció

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an act in a sport that is against the rules and is not allowed



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to knock out

to defeat someone or a group decisively in a competition

 kiütni ,  legyőzni

kiütni , legyőzni

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a group of sports clubs or players who compete against each other and are put together based on the points they have gained through the season

liga, bajnokság

liga, bajnokság

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to bench

to remove a player from active play, typically having them sit on the sidelines

padra ültetni, eltiltani a játékból

padra ültetni, eltiltani a játékból

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high-intensity interval training

a multi-layered exercise consisted of short periods of demanding physical activities with less intense recovery periods in between

magas intenzitású intervall edzés, HIIT (magas intenzitású intervall edzés)

magas intenzitású intervall edzés, HIIT (magas intenzitású intervall edzés)

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an act of moving the ball along the ground with repeated slight touches or bounces, especially in soccer, hockey, and basketball

cselezés, dribbling

cselezés, dribbling

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to tackle

to try to take the ball from the players of the other team, usually by forcing them down, in sports such as American football or rugby

tackelni, letartóztatni

tackelni, letartóztatni

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someone who trains a person or team in sport

edző, coach

edző, coach

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time trial

a race format where individuals or teams compete against the clock to achieve the fastest time

időfutam, időpróba

időfutam, időpróba

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