Phrasal Verbs 'Around', 'Over' & 'Along' Használatával - Költözés, látogatás vagy tartózkodás (tovább)
to invite someone to come to one's house
valakit hazahívni, valakit megkérni
to continue or move from one situation to the next
átvinni, folytatni
to come to someone's house in order to visit them for a short time
valakihez átjönni, valakinek a házába jönni
to move from one side or place to another
átkelni, keresztülmenni
to bend forward at the waist, typically due to laughter, pain, or a strong emotional reaction
megfeszülni, behajolni
to receive someone as a guest at one's home
meghívni magához, vendéget fogadni
to ask someone to come to one's home or a specific location
meghívni valakit magához, meghívni valakit haza
to adjust one's position to create space for others
elmozdulni, oldalra állni
to cause something to rotate, typically by pushing it with one's hands
görgetni, megfordítani
to spend the night at a particular location, typically away from one's own residence
ottalvás, maradni
to make a brief stop in the course of a journey, usually as a break
megáll, rövid megállót tart