Matematika és Logika SAT - Idő és Rend
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót, amelyek az időhöz és a sorrendhez kapcsolódnak, például "egyidejű", "efemer", "periodically" stb., amelyekre szüksége lesz a SAT-ok ászához.
happening or taking place at the same time
párhuzamos, egynemű
about to happen soon, often with a sense of threat or urgency
közelgő, fenyegető
continuing forever or indefinitely into the future
örök, tartós
organized according to the order that the events occurred in
krónológiai, időrendben
(of a day or month) added to a calendar to align it with the solar year or another astronomical cycle
beiktatott, kiegészítő
continuing to exist all the time, without significant changes
állandó, tartós
lasting for a long time or continuing indefinitely
tartós, állandó
(particularly of something unpleasant) likely to take place in the near future
közelgő, várható
(of things) old but highly valued for the quality, excellent condition, or timeless and attractive design
vintage, klasszikus
referring or relating to a past event
visszatekintő, visszavető
not paid, done, etc. within the required or expected timeframe
határidős, késedelmes
having extremely modern, innovative technology or design, often resembling what might be expected in the future
jövőbeli, modern
approaching or coming soon, often with a sense of concern or importance
fenyegető, köszöntő
referring to an event or occurrence that is about to happen very soon
közelgő, jövőbeli
continuing or enduring for a long time, without significant changes
tartós, állandó
taking place or repeating at consistent, set intervals over time
periodikus, rendszeres
a historical account of events presented in chronological order
krónika, évek
a short duration or episode during which a particular activity or event occurs
egy időszak, egy epizód
either of the two times of the year when the sun reaches its farthest or closest distance from the equator
the act of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations
visszatekintés, retrospktív
a plan or timetable outlining the sequence of events or activities
menetrend, időbeosztás
the state or process of two or more things occurring at the same time or working together in harmony
szinkronizáció, szinkronitás
the ability to comprehend and evaluate past events or decisions, often gaining insights that were not apparent at the time
visszatekintés, visszamenőleges értékelés
to make something last longer in time than it would naturally
meghosszabbítani, kitolni
(particularly of a time period) to no longer be valid or active
lejár, eltűnik
to intentionally prolong the completion of an action or process
elhúzni, hosszabbítani
at the starting point of a process or situation
kezdetben, először
in an immediate manner with no delay
azonnal, azonnalisan
someone or something that comes before another of the same type, acting as a sign of what will come next
előfutár, előzmény
the period following an event, especially one that has a significant impact or causes considerable change
következmények, hatások
earlier in time, order, arrangement, or significance, often serving as an example or rule to be followed in the future
precedens, korábbi
occurring before a more important thing, particularly as an act of introduction
előzetes, bevezető
relating to a system that is organized based on social ranking or levels of authority
hierarchikus, hierarchia
done or happening every other time
váltakozó, minden második nap
continuously happening one after another
egymást követő, folytonos
to arrange items or events in a particular order
sorrendbe állít, rendez
to indicate in advance that something, particularly something bad, will take place
előre jelezni, előre látni