to question someone's honesty, quality, motive, etc.
mempertanyakan, menantang
the ability to understand or perceive something immediately, without conscious reasoning or the need for evidence or justification
intuisi, insting
based on or derived from instinct rather than rational analysis
intuitif, instinktif
deserving of approval or respect, though not very exceptional
dapat dihargai, baik
believing things easily even without much evidence that leads to being easy to deceive
percaya, naif
related to or living on land, rather than in the sea or air
terestrial, daratan
regarding a specific region or territory
teritorial, berkaitan dengan wilayah
(of an author, artist, etc.) having a high level of productivity or creativity, especially in producing a large quantity of work or ideas
prolifik, subur
related to the relationship between two things in which one is the cause of the other
kausal, sebab akibat
the ability to chemically corrode or eat away materials, typically referring to strong acids
kaustik, koroif
to burn or seal a wound or tissue, typically to prevent infection and stop bleeding
kauterisasi, membakar
to spread out or stretch in various directions
memperluas, mengembangkan
an increase in the amount, size, importance, or degree of something
ekspansi, peningkatan