Arsitektur dan Konstruksi - Gerbang dan Pagar
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan gerbang dan pagar seperti "barrier", "driveway", dan "chicken wire".
Kartu flash
a covered porch-like structure extending from a building's entrance, typically designed to provide shelter for vehicles during pick-up and drop-off
kanopi kendaraan, penampungan mobil
an architectural term referring to a monumental gateway or entrance structure, usually leading to a sacred or important site such as a temple, palace, or public building
propylaeum, pintu gerbang
the area around the door at the entrance to a house, room, etc.
ambang pintu, pintu masuk
an opening like a door, gate, or passage that we can use to enter a building, room, etc.
masuk, pintu masuk
a way that enables someone to get out of a room, building, or a vehicle of large capacity
keluar, jalur keluar
the part of a fence or wall outside a building that we can open and close to enter or leave a place
pintu, gerbang
an opening or entrance that serves as a point of entry or exit to a place, such as a building, property, or enclosed area
gerbang, pintu masuk
a sturdy upright post or pillar that serves as a support or anchor for a gate
tiang gerbang, tiang pintu
a passage that is inside a house or building with rooms on both side
lorong, ruang
a covered entrance or gateway to a churchyard or cemetery, often featuring a roof and a gate
gerbang terpayung, pintu kuburan
a small gate or door within a larger gate or fence, often used for pedestrian access while keeping the main gate closed
pintu kecil, gerbang kecil
a long narrow way in a building that has doors on either side opening into different rooms
koridor, lorong
a narrow or enclosed path or route that allows passage or access between different areas or spaces
lorong, jalan
a special way used to exit a building, car, etc. when a problem happens
pintu darurat, keluar darurat
a type of fencing material that consists of sharp, pointed barbs or spikes spaced along a wire, designed to deter or prevent unauthorized entry or to confine livestock
kawat berduri, kawat tajam
a physical structure or obstacle that is used to block or restrict access to a certain area, preventing passage or providing security
penghalang, rintangan
a dividing line or limit that separates one area from another
batas, perbatasan
a type of fence made from interlocking metal links, typically used for securing an area
pagar rantai, pagar jaring besi
type of mesh fencing made from thin, flexible wire twisted together in a hexagonal pattern, commonly used to enclose chicken coops or small animal enclosures
seling ayam, kawat ayam
a structure like a wall, made of wire, wood, etc. that is placed around an area or a piece of land
pagar, tembok
a narrow wooden or metal fence picket or board used to create a barrier or enclosure
pagar, tiang
a defensive fence or barrier made of closely spaced wooden stakes or iron rails
palisade, pagar pertahanan
a bag filled with sand, used for protection or to create barriers
kantong pasir
a line of trees, fence, wall, etc. that can provide protection against the wind
penghalang angin, penahan angin
a barrier that uses electric shocks to deter animals or people from crossing a boundary
pagar listrik , pagar listrik listrik
a private path or road that leads from the street to a house, building, etc., typically used for vehicle access and parking
halaman masuk, jalur masuk
a path for walking, typically built outdoors and above the ground level
jalan setapak, jalan kaki