Daftar Kata Level C1 - Alat Tulis dan Perlengkapan Kantor
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang alat tulis dan perlengkapan kantor, seperti "penjepit kertas", "nib", "folder", dll. yang disiapkan untuk pelajar C1.
Kartu flash
writing materials such as paper, pencils, notebooks, etc.

alat tulis, perlengkapan menulis

a cover with metal rings inside that pass through the holes of the documents within to hold them together

penaik bind, ring binder

a cover made of plastic or folded card in which documents or pieces of paper can be kept

folder, berkas

a small, thin piece of bent wire or plastic used for holding together sheets of paper

klip kertas, penjepit kertas

a metal object with two toothed jaws and a spring, used for holding things in place

penjep alligator, klip aligator

a small piece of colored paper that is sticky on one side and can be easily removed, used for leaving notes

catatan tempel, kertas lengket

a small board that has a clip on top for holding sheets of paper

papan klip, clipboard

a pen with a small metal ball at its tip that puts the ink on paper when it rolls

pulpen, pena bola

a pen with a metal ball at the tip that when rolls puts the ink on paper

pulpen, biro

plastic tape that is transparent and sticky on one side, used for sticking things together, such as paper

pita perekat, selotip

a type of pen with a colored tip, used for marking words in a piece of writing, book, magazine, etc.

pemberhighlighter, pena sorot

a tool used for fastening sheets of paper together by putting staples into them

stapler, alat penjepit kertas

a handheld tool with a small blade inside, used for sharpening pencils

pengasah pensil, sejenis alat pengasah pensil

a white liquid for covering mistakes made while writing

pembetul cair, putih korektor

a short pin with a flat round head that is used to fasten paper to a wall or board

penjepit, penjepit kertas

a set of sheets of paper held together on which one can write notes

notepad, buku catatan

a handheld tool that is used for imprinting a name, date, etc. onto a piece of paper

stempel karet, stempel getah

a pencil with a button on top that can be pushed or turned to get more lead out

pensil mekanik, pensil otomatis

thin paper with one side coated with a dark substance, put between two sheets of paper to copy everything that is being written or typed on it onto the sheet underneath

kertas karbon, kertas salin

an alphabetically-arranged set of cards with information on them, found especially in libraries

katalog kartu, kartu katalog

a tray-like object on an office desk, where incoming tasks or documents are placed for one to deal with

keranjang masuk, tempat dokumen

a tray-like object on an office desk, where completed tasks, documents, etc. are placed before filing or further processing

keranjang keluar, tempat dokumen keluar

a piece of office furniture with drawers in which documents can be stored

lemari berkas, lemari dokumen