Il libro Four Corners 2 - Unità 8 Lezione A
Qui troverai il vocabolario dell'Unità 8 Lezione A nel libro di testo Four Corners 2, come "fontana", "zona", "vicino", ecc.
a place where many different plants are grown and displayed for people to see and learn about

giardino botanico
a large and strong building that is protected against attacks, in which the royal family lives

a structure, often placed in a pool or lake, that pumps a long, narrow stream of water up into the air for decorative purposes

a large and impressively designed house that is often the official house of a powerful individual such as a president or king

a stone monument built in ancient Egypt usually as a tomb for the pharaohs, which has a triangular or square base that slopes up to the top

a large object created to look like a person or animal from hard materials such as stone, metal, or wood

a country in South America located on the equator, known for its diverse landscapes, including the Amazon rainforest, Andean highlands, and the Galápagos Islands

Ecuador, Repubblica dell'Ecuador

a country located in East Asia, sharing a border with North Korea to the north, and China and Japan to the east and west respectively

Corea del Sud
a country on the continent of Africa with a rich history, famous for its pyramids, temples, and pharaohs

pots, dishes, etc. that are made of clay by hand and then baked in a kiln to be hardened

a place where tea is served, often accompanied by snacks or light meals

teiera, caffè del tè