Aggettivi di Tempo e Luogo - Aggettivi dell'età degli oggetti
Questi aggettivi descrivono la longevità temporale o l'annata degli oggetti, trasmettendo attributi come "antico", "vecchio", "fresco", "nuovo", ecc.
(of a thing) having been used or existing for a long period of time
having persisted or existed for a significant amount of time
di lunga data
frayed, damaged, or deteriorated due to prolonged use or wear
consumato, logoro
worn-out or in poor condition, often indicating a lack of care or upkeep in its appearance
consunto, trasandato
worn, eroded, or changed in appearance due to exposure to weather elements, such as wind, rain, or sun
consumato, logorato
completely new and different in every way, with no parts or aspects carried over from previous versions
completamente nuovo, totalmente nuovo
used or existed for a long time, often showing signs of age or wear
consumato dal tempo, venerando