ここでは、「locally」、「moreover」、「slow」など、英語で最も一般的な副詞のリストのパート 16 が提供されています。
used to introduce additional information
さらに, その上
under the surface of the earth
地下で, 地表下
in a way that relates to a specific location or nearby area
地域的に, 地元で
to a degree that is remarkable or more than usual
驚くべきほど, 非常に
in a manner that is related to genetics or genes
used to introduce additional information or to emphasize a point
in a way that is unusual, surprising, or worth noticing
驚くほど, remarkably
to an extent or degree that is possibly catastrophic or disastrous
重大に, 危機的に
with physical effort rather than relying on machines or automation
in a way that is extremely well or impressive
驚くほど, 驚くべき
at a speed that is not fast
used to add a point to support the statement just mentioned
not inside a building or enclosed space
屋外で, 外で
with no one or nothing else involved
ただ, のみ
used to indicate how something is achieved or the result of an action
それによって, したがって
to a great level or degree
非常に, すごく
in a manner that is unusual or unexpected
奇妙に, 不思議な方法で
to an extreme or great degree
大幅に, 極端に
in a way that involves or is related to the activity of sex
in a manner that is related to chemistry, the scientific study of the properties, composition, and behavior of matter
before an event or an action
前もって, あらかじめ
with awareness or purpose
意識的に, 故意に
after a particular event or time
その後, 続いて
toward or in the direction of one side
横に, 横向きに
in a manner that is not official
非公式に, 公表されずに