本 Headway - 初歩 - 日常英語 (ユニット 5)
ここでは、ヘッドウェイ初級コースブックの日常英語ユニット 5 にある「丁寧」、「リクエスト」、「借りる」などの語彙を紹介します。
a formal application or proposal made to an authority or organization for a particular action or decision

リクエスト, 請願

used to express that one denies the possibility of something happening or being the case

できない, ありえない

a liquid with no smell, taste, or color, that falls from the sky as rain, and is used for washing, cooking, drinking, etc.


(of interactions or payments) done without physical touch, often using wireless technology

非接触式の, contactless

pants made of denim, that is a type of strong cotton cloth, and is used for a casual style

ジーンズ, デニムパンツ

to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight

座る, 座っている

to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

借りる, 貸してもらう

a book or electronic resource that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings, or gives the equivalent words in a different language


a small piece of paper or other material that is affixed to a letter or package to indicate that the appropriate postage fee has been paid for its delivery

切手, スタンプ

to provide transport for someone by offering them a ride in the vehicle one is driving