
本 Solutions - 初歩 - ユニット5 - 5E

ここでは、「スクーター」、「紛失」、「飛行機」など、ソリューション初級コースブックのユニット 5 ~ 5E の語彙を見つけることができます。









Solutions - Elementary
to catch

to stop and hold an object that is moving through the air by hands

キャッチする, 受け止める

キャッチする, 受け止める

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to miss

to fail to catch a bus, airplane, etc.

逃す, 遅れる

逃す, 遅れる

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to go

to travel or move from one location to another

行く, 移動する

行く, 移動する

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the body part that is at the end of our leg and we stand and walk on


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to ride

to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements

乗る, 自転車に乗る

乗る, 自転車に乗る

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a vehicle with two wheels that we ride by pushing its pedals with our feet

自転車, バイク

自転車, バイク

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a light motor vehicle with a floorboard on which the rider puts their legs, and with wheels of usually small size

スクーター, バイク

スクーター, バイク

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an animal that is large, has a tail and four legs, and we use for racing, pulling carriages, riding, etc.

馬, 牝馬

馬, 牝馬

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to lose

to be deprived of or stop having someone or something

失う, なくす

失う, なくす

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a method or style according to which something is done

方法, スタイル

方法, スタイル

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to cross

to go across or to the other side of something

渡る, 横切る

渡る, 横切る

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a wide path made for cars, buses, etc. to travel along

道路, 道

道路, 道

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to drive

to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving

運転する, 操縦する

運転する, 操縦する

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an area with human population that is smaller than a city and larger than a village

町, タウン

町, タウン

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to wait

to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens

待つ, 待機する

待つ, 待機する

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to give somebody a lift

to provide transport for someone by offering them a ride in the vehicle one is driving


the act of going to a different place, usually a place that is far

旅行, 移動

旅行, 移動

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to buy

to get something in exchange for paying money

買う, 購入する

買う, 購入する

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a piece of paper or card that shows you can do or get something, like ride on a bus or attend an event

チケット, 切符

チケット, 切符

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to get

to reach a specific place

到着する, 到達する

到着する, 到達する

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to travel

to go from one location to another, particularly to a far location

旅行する, 移動する

旅行する, 移動する

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a place where children learn things from teachers



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something that we do regularly to earn money

仕事, 雇用

仕事, 雇用

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the capital and largest city of both England and the United Kingdom, situated in the southeastern region of the country



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a building or place that sells goods or services

店, ショップ

店, ショップ

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to get on

to enter a bus, ship, airplane, etc.

乗り込む, 搭乗する

乗り込む, 搭乗する

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to get off

to leave a bus, train, airplane, etc.

降りる, 下車する

降りる, 下車する

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a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive

列車, 電車

列車, 電車

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a large vehicle that carries many passengers by road

バス, 公共バス

バス, 公共バス

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a vehicle that is powered by electricity and moves on rails in a street, used for transporting passengers

トラム, トロリーバス

トラム, トロリーバス

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to get in

to physically enter a vehicle, such as a car or taxi

乗る, 入る

乗る, 入る

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a road vehicle that has four wheels, an engine, and a small number of seats for people

車, 自動車

車, 自動車

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a big vehicle without back windows, smaller than a truck, used for carrying people or things

バン, ミニバン

バン, ミニバン

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to go up

to go to a higher place

上がる, 登る

上がる, 登る

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a staircase that moves and takes people up or down different levels easily, often found in large buildings like airports, department stores, etc.

エスカレーター, 動く階段

エスカレーター, 動く階段

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a winged flying vehicle driven by one or more engines

飛行機, 航空機

飛行機, 航空機

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a series of steps connecting two floors of a building, particularly built inside a building

階段, ステップ

階段, ステップ

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to take

to use a particular route or means of transport in order to go somewhere

取る, 使用する

取る, 使用する

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