ここでは、「驚くべき」、「悲劇的な」、「驚くべき」など、ソリューション初中級コースブックのユニット 2 ~ 2F の語彙を見つけることができます。
very beautiful, attractive, or impressive
素晴らしい, 驚くべき
extremely clever, talented, or impressive
素晴らしい, 才能豊かな
very large in size
巨大な, 膨大な
feeling extremely tired physically or mentally, often due to a lack of sleep
疲れた, 疲労した
extremely sad or unfortunate, often because of a terrible event or circumstances
extremely unpleasant, bad, or disagreeable
ひどい, 嫌な
causing a person to become filled with fear
恐ろしい, 怖ろしい
causing great surprise or amazement due to being impressive, unexpected, or remarkable
驚くべき, 素晴らしい
below average in physical size
小さい, ちっちゃい
having a quality that is satisfying
良い, いい
needing or wanting something to eat
お腹がすいた, 腹ペコ
having stains, bacteria, marks, or dirt
汚い, Dirty
extremely pleasing to the mind or senses
美しい, 素晴らしい
above average in size or extent
大きい, 巨大な
having a quality that is not satisfying
悪い, 不満足な
causing a feeling of shock, disbelief, or wonder
驚くべき, 意外な
causing one to feel fear
恐ろしい, 怖い
needing to sleep or rest because of not having any more energy