本 Solutions - 中上級 - ユニット 2 - 2A
ここでは、「優柔不断」、「幻滅」、「憤慨」など、ソリューション上級中級コースブックのユニット 2 ~ 2A の語彙を見つけることができます。
an emotional state or sensation that one experiences such as happiness, guilt, sadness, etc.

感情, 気持ち

feeling nervous or worried because of thinking something unpleasant might happen

不安な, 心配な

feeling embarrassed, guilty, or sorry about one's actions, characteristics, or circumstances

恥じる, 恥ずかしい

(of a person) refusing or unable to let go of anger or hatred toward others or past events

苦い, 恨めしい

not satisfied or happy with something, because it did not meet one's expectations or hopes

失望した, 失望した

feeling disappointed because someone or something is not as worthy or good as one believed

幻滅した, 失望した

(of a person) incapable of achieving success in a specific profession

フラustrated, 失望した

experiencing the feeling of embarrassment, shame, or disrespect because of being mistreated or ridiculed

屈辱を受けた, 屈辱の

marked by intense and irrational emotional reactions due to heightened emotional states

ヒステリカル, ヒステリー

(of a person) having difficulty making choices or decisions, often due to fear, lack of confidence, or overthinking

優柔不断, 決断力のない