本 English Result - 初中級 - ユニット5 - 5A
ここでは、「サンダル」、「タイツ」、「カジュアル」など、英語結果初中級コースブックのユニット 5 ~ 5A の語彙を見つけることができます。
an open shoe that fastens the sole to one's foot with straps, particularly worn when the weather is warm

サンダル, オープンシューズ

a jacket with a pair of pants or a skirt that are made from the same cloth and should be worn together

スーツ, 服装

a loose long-sleeved warm item of clothing worn casually or for exercising on the top part of our body, usually made of cotton

スウェットシャツ, トレーナー

an item of women’s clothing that tightly covers the lower part of the body, from the waist to the toes, usually worn under dresses and skirts

タイツ, レギンス

a loose and warm pair of pants and matching jacket worn casually or for doing exercise

トレーニングスーツ, ジャージ

clothes that we wear under all the other pieces of clothing right on top of our skin

下着, パンティ

(of clothing) comfortable and suitable for everyday use or informal events and occasions

カジュアル, ラフ