
本 Interchange - 中級 - ユニット 7 - パート 1

ここでは、「ストリーム」、「課題」、「ガジェット」など、Interchange 中級コースブックのユニット 7 - パート 1 の語彙を見つけることができます。









Interchange - Intermediate
to use

to do something with an object, method, etc. to achieve a specific result

使う, 使用する

使う, 使用する

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a portable device that combines the functions of a cell phone and a computer, such as browsing the Internet, using apps, making calls, etc.

スマートフォン, 賢い電話

スマートフォン, 賢い電話

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digital camera

a camera that captures an image as digital data that can be kept and viewed on a computer

デジタルカメラ, デジタル撮影カメラ

デジタルカメラ, デジタル撮影カメラ

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the Internet

‌a global computer network that allows users around the world to communicate with each other and exchange information



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a hand-held electronic device that is used for reading e-books and other documents in digital format

電子書籍リーダー, E-リーダー

電子書籍リーダー, E-リーダー

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a flat, small, portable computer that one controls and uses by touching its screen

タブレット, タブレット端末

タブレット, タブレット端末

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an electronic device that stores and processes data

コンピュータ, 計算機

コンピュータ, 計算機

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to stream

to play audio or video material from the Internet without needing to download the whole file on one's device

ストリーミングする, 配信する

ストリーミングする, 配信する

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a machine that can perform tasks automatically

ロボット, オートマトン

ロボット, オートマトン

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a movie that uses special techniques and technologies to create the illusion of depth in the images, making them look more lifelike and realistic than traditional flat, two-dimensional movies

3D, 3D映画

3D, 3D映画

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a machine, particularly one connected to a computer, that prints text or pictures onto paper



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driverless car

a vehicle that can operate without a human driver

自動運転車, 無人運転車

自動運転車, 無人運転車

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global positioning system

a satellite system that shows a place, thing, or person's exact position using signals


the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry

技術, テクノロジー

技術, テクノロジー

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a flying vehicle such as an aircraft that is controlled from afar and has no pilot

ドローン, 無人航空機

ドローン, 無人航空機

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on many occasions

よく, 頻繁に

よく, 頻繁に

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on some occasions but not always

時々, たまに

時々, たまに

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hardly ever

in a manner that almost does not occur or happen

ほとんど決して, めったに

ほとんど決して, めったに

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not at any point in time

決して, 全く

決して, 全く

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social media

websites and applications enabling users to share content and build communities on their smartphones, computers, etc.

ソーシャルメディア, SNS

ソーシャルメディア, SNS

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a task or piece of work that someone is asked to do as part of their job

課題, 仕事

課題, 仕事

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the act putting something into use

使用, 活用

使用, 活用

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to send

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

送る, 発送する

送る, 発送する

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to watch

to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

見る, 観察する

見る, 観察する

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to take

to reach for something and hold it

取る, つかむ

取る, つかむ

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paper clip

a small, thin piece of bent wire or plastic used for holding together sheets of paper

クリップ, ペーパークリップ

クリップ, ペーパークリップ

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a camera connected to a computer that is used for recording or broadcasting videos of the user



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a tool with a slim piece of wood and a thin, colored part in the middle, that we use for writing or drawing

鉛筆, pencil

鉛筆, pencil

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not capable of being seen with the naked eye

見えない, 不可視の

見えない, 不可視の

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a thin magnetic material on which a piece of music is recorded

テープ, 録音テープ

テープ, 録音テープ

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(of a thing) having been used or existing for a long period of time

古い, 長年の

古い, 長年の

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to plug in

to connect something to an electrical port

プラグを差し込む, 接続する

プラグを差し込む, 接続する

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a mechanical tool or an electronic device that is useful for doing something

ガジェット, 小道具

ガジェット, 小道具

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a machine or tool that is designed for a particular purpose

デバイス, 装置

デバイス, 装置

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to be into somebody or something

to have a strong interest or attraction toward a particular person or thing

flash drive

a small device used for storing data or transferring data between electronic devices

フラッシュドライブ, USBメモリ

フラッシュドライブ, USBメモリ

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an event that causes a computer, system, or application to stop working or become inoperative, often resulting in the loss of unsaved data

クラッシュ, 障害

クラッシュ, 障害

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a person who is extremely skilled or knowledgeable in a particular area

達人, 天才

達人, 天才

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someone who uses computers to illegally access someone else's computer or phone

ハッカー, 侵入者

ハッカー, 侵入者

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to edit

to choose and arrange the parts that are crucial to the story of a movie, show, etc. and cut out unnecessary ones

編集する, カットする

編集する, カットする

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identity theft

the illegal use of someone's name and personal information without their knowledge, particularly to gain money or goods

アイデンティティ盗難, 個人情報盗用

アイデンティティ盗難, 個人情報盗用

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a scheduled journey by an aircraft



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an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs

テレビ, テレブ

テレビ, テレブ

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