ここでは、Insight 中級コースブックのユニット 6 ~ 6C の「比例」、「圧倒的」、「すごい」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
too intense or powerful to resist or manage effectively
圧倒的な, 強烈な
exceptionally large in degree or amount
大きい, 重大な
rather small in amount, extent, size, value, etc.
控えめな, 謙虚な
a small group of people who differ in race, religion, etc. and are often mistreated by the society
マイノリティ, 少数派
important or great enough to be noticed or have an impact
重要な, 意義ある
the total number or quantity of something
量, 総額
a principle of design that refers to the relationship of the size, shape, and quantity of different elements in a composition
比例, 比率
extremely great in extent, size, or area
広大な, 巨大な
the larger part or number of a given set or group
very impressive, especially in amount or degree
非常に大きな, 印象的な
extremely large, heavy, or solid
巨大な, 大きな