
本 Total English - 初中級 - ユニット 8 - リファレンス

ここでは、Total English 初中級コースブックのユニット 8 - リファレンスから、「到着」、「外出中」、「半分」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









Total English - Pre-intermediate
to arrive

to reach a location, particularly as an end to a journey

到着する, 達する

到着する, 達する

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on time

exactly at the specified time, neither late nor early

時間通りに, 定刻に

時間通りに, 定刻に

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a state of urgency or rush, often caused by a need to complete a task quickly or reach a destination within a limited timeframe

急ぎ, 慌て

急ぎ, 慌て

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on the go

in a state of being actively engaged in various activities or constantly in motion, typically indicating a busy and active lifestyle


in a way that is instant and involves no delay

すぐに, 直ちに

すぐに, 直ちに

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rush hour

a time of day at which traffic is the heaviest because people are leaving for work or home

ラッシュアワー, ピーク時

ラッシュアワー, ピーク時

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to slow down

to move with a lower speed or rate of movement

減速する, スピードを落とす

減速する, スピードを落とす

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speed camera

a device that photographs one's vehicle if one exceeds the speed limit

スピードカメラ, 速度監視カメラ

スピードカメラ, 速度監視カメラ

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speed limit

the most speed that a vehicle is legally allowed to have in specific areas, roads, or conditions

速度制限, 最高速度制限

速度制限, 最高速度制限

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to speed up

to become faster

スピードアップする, 加速する

スピードアップする, 加速する

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to take time

to need a significant amount of time to be able to happen, be completed, or achieved

to ask out

to invite someone on a date, particularly a romantic one

デートに誘う, デートを申し込む

デートに誘う, デートを申し込む

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to get over

to emotionally heal and move on from a romantic relationship that has ended

立ち直る, 乗り越える

立ち直る, 乗り越える

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to go out

to regularly spend time with a person that one likes and has a sexual or romantic relationship with

付き合う, デートする

付き合う, デートする

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to grow apart

(of people and their relationship) to gradually become less close

疎遠になる, 別々に成長する

疎遠になる, 別々に成長する

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to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

我慢する, 耐える

我慢する, 耐える

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to split up

to end a romantic relationship or marriage

別れる, 分かれる

別れる, 分かれる

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to take out

to invite someone to go out with one, typically for a meal or an activity

誰かを外に連れて行く, 誰かを誘う

誰かを外に連れて行く, 誰かを誘う

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each of the twenty-four time periods that exist in a day and each time period is made up of sixty minutes

時, じ

時, じ

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a unit of measuring weight equal to 2.20 pounds or 1000 grams

キログラム, kg

キログラム, kg

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each of the sixty parts that creates one hour and is made up of sixty seconds


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each of the sixty parts that creates one minute

秒, 時間の単位

秒, 時間の単位

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either one of two equal parts of a thing

半分, ハーフ

半分, ハーフ

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the basic unit of measuring length that is equal to 100 centimeters



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kilometers per hour

a unit of measurement used to express speed or velocity in the metric system, representing the distance traveled in kilometers over the course of one hour

時速キロメートル, km/h

時速キロメートル, km/h

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a unit of measuring length equal to one hundredth of a meter



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