本 Total English - 中級 - ユニット 3 - レッスン 2
ここでは、Total English 中級コースブックのユニット 3 - レッスン 2 の「buzzing」、「enormous」、「siren」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
producing a continuous humming or vibrating sound, like the sound of bees
ブンブン鳴る, うなり声の
a device in a vehicle that produces a loud, distinctive sound to alert others of the vehicle's presence or to signal a warning or danger
車のホーン, クラクション
a loud device typically used on emergency vehicles to alert others of their approach and to clear the way in traffic
サイレン, 警報
(of a place or environment) full of activity, energy, and excitement, often with a lot of people moving around and engaged in various tasks or social interactions
にぎやかな, 活気のある
(particularly of a building or place) having a pleasant and charming appearance, often resembling a picture or painting
絵のような, 魅力的な
(of a style in architecture, music, art, etc.) recently formed and different from traditional styles and forms
belonging to or following the methods or thoughts that are old as opposed to new or different ones
伝統的な, クラシック
not hospitable or inviting, often creating a sense of discomfort or unease
不親切な, 歓迎されない
intended for, visited by, or attractive to tourists, in a way that one does not like it
観光客向けの, 観光地化された
remaining in a natural or original state without any alteration, damage, or decay
手付かずの, 未開の