at a pace that is not fast
at a speed that is not fast
with little energy, speed, or enthusiasm
ゆっくりと, だらだらと
in a manner that is fast and takes little time
素早く, 早急に
with a lot of speed
速やかに, 早く
having a high speed when doing something, especially moving
速い, 迅速な
in a quick or immediate way
迅速に, 早急に
with a high degree of speed
迅速に, スピーディーに
in a way that is quick and unexpected
突然, 不意に
in a quick and rushed manner, often done with little time for careful consideration
急いで, 慌てて
in a rushed or quick manner
慌てて, 急いで
in a way that is very quick and often unexpected
迅速に, 速やかに
in a quick and energetic manner
素早く, 元気に
in a quick and efficient manner
迅速に, 効率的に
with changes or occurrences happening continuously and rapidly
in a quick and graceful manner
迅速に, 優雅に
with quick and urgent movement
with speed and urgency
急いで, 至急