
アカデミック IELTS (バンド 6-7) - 関係アクション

ここでは、アカデミック IELTS 試験に必要な関係アクションに関連する英単語を学びます。









Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (6-7)
to lean on

to rely on someone or something for assistance, guidance, etc.

頼る, 依存する

頼る, 依存する

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to open up

to share or express one's personal thoughts, emotions, or experiences with someone else

心を開く, 共有する

心を開く, 共有する

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to compromise

to come to an agreement after a dispute by reducing demands

妥協する, 合意に達する

妥協する, 合意に達する

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to bond

to develop a relationship with a person

絆を深める, 関係を築く

絆を深める, 関係を築く

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to fall for

to develop romantic feelings for someone

惹かれる, 恋に落ちる

惹かれる, 恋に落ちる

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to ask out

to invite someone on a date, particularly a romantic one

デートに誘う, デートを申し込む

デートに誘う, デートを申し込む

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to move in

to begin to live in a new house or work in a new office

引っ越す, 住み始める

引っ越す, 住み始める

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to count on

to put trust in something or someone

頼る, 信頼する

頼る, 信頼する

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to look out for

to take care and be watchful of someone or something and make sure no harm comes to them

見守る, 注意する

見守る, 注意する

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to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

我慢する, 耐える

我慢する, 耐える

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to reassure

to do or say something to make someone stop worrying or less afraid

安心させる, 再確認する

安心させる, 再確認する

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to devote

to give one's time or commit oneself entirely to a certain matter, cause, or activity

捧げる, 専念する

捧げる, 専念する

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to reconcile

to make a person become friendly again with another after ending a disagreement or dispute

和解する, 折り合う

和解する, 折り合う

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to rally around

to come together and support a person, cause, or idea, especially during challenging times

集まる, 支援する

集まる, 支援する

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to flirt

to behave in a way that shows a person is only sexually drawn to someone, with no serious intention of starting a relationship

フリートする, いちゃつく

フリートする, いちゃつく

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to pick up

to approach someone, often with a romantic or sexual intent

口説く, ナンパする

口説く, ナンパする

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to deceive

to make a person believe something untrue

騙す, 欺く

騙す, 欺く

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to ghost

to abruptly cut off communication with someone, especially online, without explanation

ゴーストする, 音信不通になる

ゴーストする, 音信不通になる

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to dump

to end a relationship that one was romantically involved in, often in a way that is unexpected or unfair

振る, 捨てる

振る, 捨てる

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to fall out

to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument

口論する, 友情を失う

口論する, 友情を失う

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to turn down

to decline an invitation, request, or offer

断る, 辞退する

断る, 辞退する

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to let down

to make someone disappointed by not meeting their expectations

失望させる, 裏切る

失望させる, 裏切る

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to turn against

to make it so that the partnership, relationship, or others' perception toward a person or group is damaged or terminated

裏切る, 反対する

裏切る, 反対する

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to alienate

to make one feel isolated or hostile toward a person or group

疎外する, 孤立させる

疎外する, 孤立させる

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to part

to separate or end a relationship with someone



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to stand up

to fail to appear for a scheduled romantic meeting

ドタキャンする, 待たせる

ドタキャンする, 待たせる

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