
ACT 人文科学 - Interaction

ここでは、ACT のエースに役立つ「cajole」、「supplicate」、「inquiry」など、インタラクションに関連するいくつかの英単語を学びます。









ACT Vocabulary for Humanities
to bargain

to negotiate the terms of a contract, sale, or similar arrangement for a better agreement, price, etc.

交渉する, バーゲンする

交渉する, バーゲンする

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to dispute

to argue with someone, particularly over the ownership of something, facts, etc.

争う, 異議を唱える

争う, 異議を唱える

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to demand

to ask something from someone in an urgent and forceful manner

要求する, 請求する

要求する, 請求する

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to reproach

to blame someone for a mistake they made

非難する, 叱責する

非難する, 叱責する

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to convince

to make someone do something using reasoning, arguments, etc.

納得させる, 説得する

納得させる, 説得する

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to network

to interact or establish contacts with others for mutual assistance or support

ネットワークを築く, ネットワーキングする

ネットワークを築く, ネットワーキングする

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to associate

to interact and spend time with someone or a group of people

交わる, 付き合う

交わる, 付き合う

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to transmit

to convey or communicate something, such as information, ideas, or emotions, from one person to another

伝達する, 送信する

伝達する, 送信する

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to confer

to exchange opinions and have discussions with others, often to come to an agreement or decision

協議する, 相談する

協議する, 相談する

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to inform

to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner

知らせる, 通知する

知らせる, 通知する

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to recount

to describe an event, experience, etc to someone in a detailed manner

詳しく述べる, 再話する

詳しく述べる, 再話する

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to prescribe

to give specific instructions or guidelines about what someone must do

処方する, 指示する

処方する, 指示する

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to address

to speak directly to a specific person or group

話しかける, addressする

話しかける, addressする

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to converse

to engage in a conversation with someone

会話する, 話す

会話する, 話す

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to enlighten

to give clarification or knowledge to someone about a particular subject or situation

啓蒙する, 明らかにする

啓蒙する, 明らかにする

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to protest

to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public

抗議する, 反対する

抗議する, 反対する

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to plead

to make an earnest and emotional request, often accompanied by a strong sense of urgency or desperation

懇願する, 願い出る

懇願する, 願い出る

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to propose

to put forward a suggestion, plan, or idea for consideration

提案する, 提起する

提案する, 提起する

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to clamor

to loudly complain about something or demand something

叫ぶ, 要求する

叫ぶ, 要求する

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to notify

to officially let someone know about something

通知する, 知らせる

通知する, 知らせる

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to cajole

to persuade someone to do something through insincere praises, promises, etc. often in a persistent manner

口説く, 説得する

口説く, 説得する

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to supplicate

to make a request or prayer for something, particularly in an earnest and humble manner

懇願する, 祈願する

懇願する, 祈願する

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to recommend

to suggest to someone that something is good, convenient, etc.

推薦する, 勧める

推薦する, 勧める

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to caution

to warn someone of something that could be difficult or dangerous

警告する, 注意を促す

警告する, 注意を促す

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to relay

to pass on information or messages from one place or person to another

伝える, 中継する

伝える, 中継する

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a heated argument or disagreement, often involving anger or hostility between individuals

口論, 争い

口論, 争い

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a sincere and humble request, often made in times of need or desperation

懇願, 請願

懇願, 請願

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an act of seeking information through questioning

問い合わせ, 調査

問い合わせ, 調査

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written communication exchanged between people, typically through letters or emails

通信, 往復書簡

通信, 往復書簡

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the exchange of thoughts, information, or communication between people

交流, 通信

交流, 通信

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an official or urgent request issued by someone, typically one in authority

命令, 要求

命令, 要求

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a written request, signed by a group of people, that asks an organization or government to take a specific action

請願, リクエスト

請願, リクエスト

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a polite, casual, an typically friendly remark or exchange

丁寧な会話, 無邪気な言葉

丁寧な会話, 無邪気な言葉

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the transmission of information, data, or messages over a distance through the use of electronic or optical signals, media, and technologies

テレコミュニケーション, テレコム

テレコミュニケーション, テレコム

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a confession or acceptance of the truth or reality of something

白状, 受け入れ

白状, 受け入れ

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the act of saying something in a smart and humorous manner in order to make fun of something or someone

バンター, 冗談

バンター, 冗談

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a serious and heartfelt warning

警告, 助言

警告, 助言

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