책 Face2face - 중상급 - 4호 - 4B
여기서는 "흐릿하게", "플릭 스루", "내용" 등과 같은 Face2Face 중상급 코스북의 단원 4 - 4B의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
a writer who explores characters, events, and themes in depth through long narrative stories, particularly novels
a category or type of literature characterized by a particular style, form, or theme
novels that are aimed at young women, usually with a single woman as the main character
the events that are crucial to the formation and continuity of a story in a movie, play, novel, etc.
a short promotional description of a book, motion picture, etc. published on the cover of a book or in an advertisement
an item, especially a book, that is bought by a large number of people
베스트셀러,판매량이 많은 책
to quickly browse through the pages of a book, magazine, or other document without reading it thoroughly
a list of the chapters, sections, or other divisions of a book or document, along with the corresponding page numbers