이러한 형용사는 평소 또는 예상되는 모양에서 변경되거나 벗어난 모양을 설명하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
changed from its original shape or form, often in a way that makes it appear twisted, misshapen, or unclear
왜곡된, 변형된
having a curve or inclination in a specific direction
구부러진, 기울어진
not straight or aligned properly, often appearing crooked
삐뚤어진, 비뚤어진
uneven or asymmetrical in shape, typically with one side lower or smaller than the other
기울어진, 비대칭의
flattened or squeezed forcefully, often resulting in deformation
눌린, 찜찜한
having many twists or turns
구불구불한, 비틀림
having a series of sharp, pointed projections along the edge
톱니 모양의, 깎인
having sharp points or projections capable of causing injury
가시가 있는, 뾰족한
having rough, uneven, and sharp points or edges
톱니 모양의, 거친
filled with air or gas, causing something to become enlarged or expanded
부풀려진, 증대된
not having a fixed structure, shape, or form
비정형의, 형태가 없는
having an outline that is irregular or uneven
울퉁불퉁한, 찢어진
having points or sharp projections sticking out
가시가 많은, 뾰족한
bent or turned out of shape
비틀린, 구부러진