changed from its original shape or form, often in a way that makes it appear twisted, misshapen, or unclear
扭曲的, 变形的
having a curve or inclination in a specific direction
弯曲的, 倾斜的
not straight or aligned properly, often appearing crooked
歪斜的, 不整齐的
uneven or asymmetrical in shape, typically with one side lower or smaller than the other
倾斜的, 不对称的
flattened or squeezed forcefully, often resulting in deformation
压扁的, 压碎的
having many twists or turns
弯曲的, 曲折的
having a series of sharp, pointed projections along the edge
锯齿状的, 有锯齿的
having sharp points or projections capable of causing injury
带刺的, 锐利的
having rough, uneven, and sharp points or edges
锯齿状的, 不规则的
filled with air or gas, causing something to become enlarged or expanded
充气的, 膨胀的
not having a fixed structure, shape, or form
无定形的, 非晶态的
having an outline that is irregular or uneven
不规则的, 破损的
having points or sharp projections sticking out
尖锐的, 刺状的
bent or turned out of shape
扭曲的, 弯曲的