Adjective ale Atributelor Lucrurilor - Adjective de forme distorsionate
Aceste adjective ajută la descrierea formelor care au fost modificate sau deviate de la aspectul lor obișnuit sau așteptat.
Fișe de studiu
changed from its original shape or form, often in a way that makes it appear twisted, misshapen, or unclear
distorsionat, deformat
not straight or aligned properly, often appearing crooked
înclinat, nealiniat
uneven or asymmetrical in shape, typically with one side lower or smaller than the other
înclinat, asimetric
flattened or squeezed forcefully, often resulting in deformation
sfărâmat, aplatizat
having a series of sharp, pointed projections along the edge
zdruncinat, serrat
having sharp points or projections capable of causing injury
spinos, tăios
filled with air or gas, causing something to become enlarged or expanded
umflat, mărit