신체적 인간 속성의 형용사 - 성별과 성적 취향의 형용사
성별 및 성적 취향 형용사는 개인이 가질 수 있는 다양한 범위의 정체성, 지향 및 표현을 설명합니다.
belonging to the sex that cannot give birth to babies or lay eggs but is capable of fertilization of the opposite sex

수컷의, 남성의

belonging to the sex that is fertilized by the opposite sex and can lay eggs or give birth to babies

암컷의, 여성의

related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with women

여성적인, 페미닌한

related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with men

남성의, 남성적

describing a person or identity that lacks a specific gender or does not identify with any gender

에이젠더, 무성별의

possessing both male and female characteristics or displaying a gender-neutral appearance

안드로지너스, 성 중립적인

describing or relating to someone whose gender identity does not correspond with their birth sex

트랜스젠더, 트랜스젠더 (형용사)

related to someone whose gender identity does not fit in the traditional binary categories of male or female

논바이너리, 비이진적인

relating or referring to individuals whose gender identity can change over time, shifting between different genders or expressions

젠더플루이드, 유동적인 성 정체성

(of a person) having a sexual or romantic attraction to people of the opposite gender

이성애의, 이성애자

(of a person) having a sexual or romantic attraction to people of the same gender

동성애자, 동성애자

(of a person) having no sexual interests or not experiencing any sexual attraction

무성애자, 무성애적인

referring to individuals whose sexual orientation or gender identity does not fit traditional societal norms, including those who identify as LGBTQ+

퀴어, 전통적이지 않은

(of a person) having a sexual attraction to people of both their own gender and other genders

양성애자, 양성애

related to a person who is sexually and emotionally attracted to people regardless of their gender or sex

팬섹슈얼, 팬섹슈얼