날씨 형용사는 "맑음", "비" 등과 같은 속성을 전달하여 특정 장소와 시간에 발생하는 대기 조건과 현상을 설명합니다.
very bright because there is a lot of light coming from the sun
맑은, 햇빛이 강한
having frequent or persistent rainfall
비 오는, 습기 있는
having a lot of strong winds
바람이 많이 부는, 바람이 센
having limited sunlight, often due to obstruction from objects or clouds
그늘이 있는, 그늘의
having many clouds up in the sky
구름이 낀, 흐린
(of the climate) having a lot of moisture in the air, causing an uncomfortable and sticky feeling
습한, 축축한
(of weather) unpleasantly cold and often windy
황량한, 차가운
filled with fog, creating a hazy atmosphere that reduces visibility
안개 낀, 흐릿한
(of a period of time or weather) having or bringing snow
눈이 오는, 눈 덮인
(of air) difficult to see through because of heat, mist, or dust
흐릿한, 안개 낀
having strong winds, rain, or severe weather conditions
폭풍의, 악천후의
(of weather or the sky) filled with a lot of dark clouds
흐린, 덮인
(of the weather) having extremely cold temperatures that cause thin layers of ice to form on surfaces
서리의, 추운
(of weather) pleasantly warm and less cold than expected
온화한, 부드러운
having a gentle, refreshing wind
바람이 부는, 상쾌한
having a cover of mist that creates a soft, blurred look
안개가 낀, 안개가 자욱한
having occasional or brief periods of rain
소나기, 가끔 비가 오는
(of weather) having thunderstorms and lightning
천둥번개치는, 폭풍우치는
(of weather) characterized by strong, gusty winds
강풍의, 바람이 거센
(of weather) having a sharp, cold quality
쌀쌀한, 차가운