Adjectifs Décrivant les Expériences Sensorielles - Adjectifs de météo
Les adjectifs météorologiques décrivent les conditions atmosphériques et les phénomènes se produisant dans un lieu et un moment particuliers, transmettant des attributs tels que « ensoleillé », « pluvieux », etc.
very bright because there is a lot of light coming from the sun
having limited sunlight, often due to obstruction from objects or clouds
ombragé, à l'ombre
(of the climate) having a lot of moisture in the air, causing an uncomfortable and sticky feeling
humide, moite
(of weather) unpleasantly cold and often windy
morne, maussade, sombre
filled with fog, creating a hazy atmosphere that reduces visibility
brumeux, il y a du brouillard
(of air) difficult to see through because of heat, mist, or dust
brumeux, flou
having strong winds, rain, or severe weather conditions
orageux, orageuse
(of weather or the sky) filled with a lot of dark clouds
couvert, nuageux
(of the weather) having extremely cold temperatures that cause thin layers of ice to form on surfaces
(of weather) pleasantly warm and less cold than expected
doux, clément
(of weather) having thunderstorms and lightning
orageux, tempétueux
(of weather) characterized by strong, gusty winds
tempétueux, venteux