이 부사는 "강력하게", "강제로", "약하게" 등과 같이 동작이 얼마나 강하거나 약하게 수행되는지를 나타냅니다.
with a high degree of force or strength
강하게, 힘차게
in an effective and powerful manner
강력하게, 효과적으로
in a manner that has great force or strength
강력하게, 힘 있게
in a way that is strong, sturdy, or capable of withstanding force or pressure
튼튼하게, 강력하게
in a way that shows one's physical strength, skill, or agility
운동적으로, 민첩하게
in a strong or durable manner
튼튼하게, 강건하게
in a loud, noisy, or passionate manner
시끄럽게, 열정적으로
in a way that strongly emphasizes or makes a point very clear
강하게, 확실하게
with great effort, energy, or intensity
힘차게, 열심히
in a strong, energetic, or intense manner
강력하게, 힘차게
with power or emphasis
강하게, 힘있게
with great power, force, or intensity
강력하게, 힘껏
in a way that is lacking in strength, energy, or force
약하게, 힘없이
with little strength, energy, or force
정신없이, 허약하게
in a manner that is physically weak, delicate, or easily broken or injured
연약하게, 허약하게