학문적 IELTS (밴드 6-7) - 이해와 학습
여기에서는 Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 이해(Understanding) 및 학습(Learning)과 관련된 몇 가지 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
to know who a person or what an object is, because we have heard, seen, etc. them before

인식하다, 알아보다

to come to a personal determination or belief after considering information or experiences

결론을 내리다, 결정하다

to grasp or comprehend something instinctively and without conscious reasoning

직관적으로 이해하다, 직관적으로 알아차리다

to incorporate or integrate information, beliefs, or values into one's own understanding or mindset

내면화하다, 흡수하다

to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts

조사하다, 수사하다

to acquire a new skill or language through practice and application rather than formal instruction

습득하다, 이해하다

to learn of and confirm the facts about something through calculation or research

확정하다, 결정하다