to reluctantly pay a significant amount of money
억지로 지불하다, 마지못해 돈을 내다
to assign a task or project to an external party, typically for a fee
아웃소싱하다, 위탁하다
to distribute something among a group of individuals
배포하다, 나누다
to provide someone or each person in a group with something
배포하다, 주다
to help someone, especially to make it easier for them to do something
도와주다, 지원하다
to rent something to someone, typically for a specified period, in exchange for payment
임대하다, 대여하다
to distribute something to a group of people
배포하다, 나눠주다
to provide services or temporary use of something to someone, in exchange for a fee
to send something to a number of people or places
보내다, 발송하다
to divide and allocate a resource, task, or item among individuals
분배하다, 나누다