Phrasal Verbs 'Out' Használatával - Adni vagy nyújtani
to reluctantly pay a significant amount of money
kifizet, öngyilkosságot
to assign a task or project to an external party, typically for a fee
kiadni, kihelyezni
to distribute something among a group of individuals
elosztani, kiadni
to provide someone or each person in a group with something
eloszt, átad
to help someone, especially to make it easier for them to do something
segíteni, segítséget nyújtani
to rent something to someone, typically for a specified period, in exchange for payment
kiad, bérbe ad
to distribute something to a group of people
kiosztani, szétosztani
to provide services or temporary use of something to someone, in exchange for a fee
kiadni, bérbe adni
to send something to a number of people or places
elküldeni, küldeni
to divide and allocate a resource, task, or item among individuals
megoszt, eloszt