B1 수준 단어 목록 - 개인별 특성
여기에서는 B1 학습자를 위해 준비한 "의존적인", "외향적인", "신뢰할 수 있는" 등과 같은 개인 특성에 대한 몇 가지 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
to act in a specific way in order to make others believe that something is the case when actually it is not so

~인 척하다, 가짜로 행동하다

something that is typical of a person, thing, or place and is easily recognizable

특징, 속성

deeply knowledgeable and experienced and capable of giving good advice or making good decisions

지혜로운, 슬기로운

easily influenced by others and lacking the ability or will to uphold one's decisions, beliefs, etc.

약한, 미숙한

(of a person) dishonest, cruel, and taking pleasure in causing harm or suffering to others

악한, 사악한

(of a person) having an enigmatic or puzzling quality, often suggesting hidden motives or characteristics

신비로운, 어렴풋한

having or displaying a strong will to achieve a goal despite the challenges or obstacles

단호한, 결단력 있는